Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wordless Wednesday -- 1st photos as a 2 year old (since the big birthday)!

Playing with the trains at Barnes & Noble on Sunday with Zayde (before he threw them. Sigh).

Having fun at Coastal Flats -- all he ate was applesauce & french fries... and some of Bobbe's salad

Adam's 1st published photo!!! He took a photo of my salad... not too bad if you ignore the blurriness! :o)

Playing with the scarves at the Rhyme, Rhythm & Tune class at the library yesterday

LL couldn't decide what instrument he wanted... so he chose 3 :o)

Many thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes!!! :o)

1 comment:

namaste said...

Yeah, we've got a lot of throwing in this house too. Sigh.