Saturday, April 17, 2010

Favorites at 3


Food: fruit, chocolate and lollipops =)

Drinks: water, chocolate milk, apple juice

Colors: "blue and black"... he's been saying this for months now

Letters (he loves his letters!): "L and M"

Stuffed Toys: Doggies, of course... original doggy still being his favorite and who he sleeps with every night. Funny story... this morning he changed "Big Deegy's" name to "RUFF". When I called him "Big Deegy", he even corrected me! Such a bossy little love we have! =)

Books: George... and whatever else he's in the mood for at the time. We usually read 5 - 10 books a day. He especially likes "reading" books himself, now.

TV shows: Frank.lin, Ma.x &, Do.ra, Dieg.o, Lit.tle Bear

Movies: The Lion & Charlo.tte's Web (the original one). He also sat through his first movie from beginning to end which was "U.P" and was totally intrigued. I especially liked it when he commented that the "old man" and the construction worker "weren't sharing"! Classic.

DVDs: Here the Cat (Scholas.tic book on DVD) and all the LeapFr.og ones
(current fave being The Talking Wo.rds Factory)

Friends: Jackie, Rushan, Olivia, Benjamin, Tomas, Nathan, Riley (and lots more... but these are the kids he talks about the most)

Activities: Cooking in his kitchen (esp. with his cookies), Running around outside (esp. with a ball), bubbles, "cleaning" (sweeping, wiping off stuff, etc.), and drawing (esp. letters)

Toys: Meli.ssa & Doug's "See & Spell", LeapFr.og's alphabet tracer, Le.gos, and sometimes cars & trains

CDs: Dis.ney's 35 Years of Magic... it's awesome. We rented it at the library months ago and I keep renewing it. Every song is great. We seriously listen to it about 3-5 times a day!

Places to go: fields to run around with (with a ball, of course), playgrounds, friends' houses, ADAM'S HOUSE (his favorite place to be!) and, of course, Grandma's House!

Adam & Mama with Big Re.d!