Sunday, May 17, 2009

Cautiously Hopeful (if that is even a phrase)...

UPDATE: Adam woke up crying a few times last night but felt cool each time (Yay)! He woke up at 7:50, crying for apple juice, which he quickly drank. The best news: He doesn't feel hot!!! Thank You, G-d!!! He doesn't feel super-cool but definitely not hot and not really warm either. He hates having his temp taken so we're going to hold off unless he starts feeling warm. My guess is that he has a very slight fever, maybe 99 or 99.5. He's acting pretty much like himself (he's eating a muffin and drinking). Slightly less energetic than usual but not lethargic (knock on wood)! He had a big burst of energy when playing with Elmo and even started dancing & laughing with him (so cute)! So I'm feeling cautiously hopeful at this point. I'll update again tonight for those following closely (Hi, Uncle Steven.... will call you in a few hours since it's only 6:30 in CA)!

1 comment:

E. from Pot o' Gold said...

Glad he's doing a bit better. Whew! Did you make a decision about him climbing out of the crib? Just curious.