Monday, June 1, 2009

Six years ago

Six years ago, on June 1, 2003 (not June 2, like the photo above says!), Steven & I got married. It was a wonderful day, full of family & friends. The ceremony was surreal for me, it was held at my childhood temple. The same temple where I was named, bat mitzvah-ed, and confirmed. So the temple was special (still is) to me. The ceremony was in Hebrew (95% of it) and I had no idea what Rabbi K was saying except when he announced in English "By the Commonwealth of Virginia, I announce you Husband & Wife" or something like that. It really was very magical, like out of a movie. My parents were SO happy that day, especially my Dad. I remember him telling me that he was so proud of me, right before the ceremony, and I got all choked up. He asked my bridesmaid/great friend, Tacy, to get me a tissue. :) He later said that my wedding was the happiest day of his life in recent memory. All of his family (his brother, Jack, who lives in South America and tons of cousins) were there plus some of his close friends. One of the highlights of the day was seeing him so incredibly happy & proud.

The reception following the ceremony was fun... beautiful ballroom, great band, good food, etc. We loved seeing everyone (all of our loved ones in one room... sweet!)and celebrating. A wonderful, wonderful day.

But not a life-altering or life-changing day. Maybe it was because we had dated for 3.5 years/lived together for 15 months before. Or maybe it was because being married seemed like the most natural thing in the world. Or maybe it was because life was so EASY then. I had just received my Master's Degree 2 weeks before our wedding and I had just landed my dream job as a school counselor. We lived in a cute apartment in Tyson's Corner (love Tyson's Corner) and were (relatively) fit & healthy. My dad's pulmonary fibrosis was under control, for the most part. Seriously, we had very few cares in the world. We were young (relatively), so happy & blessed. If you click on the 1st photo below, you can actually see the joy in our faces (and my red nose from getting tear-y before. Where's the powder when you need it?!?). The living came easy, back then...

Six years later, we still are happy and more blessed now than ever (and not terribly old, yet)! However, truth be told, life is not as carefree and easy as it was back then. Not.At.All. Getting married was the easy part. Since then, 2 completely life-changing events have occurred... my dad passing away (when I was 4 months pregnant with Adam) and, of course, our Little Love being born. I am not the same person I was six years ago. Neither is Steven. We never thought we would experience such deep love (for each other & for Adam) and our dream of having our "own little family" has come true.

Steven and I have gone through a lot the past six years. Hey, no one said "it would be easy". I am so thankful that he has loved me through it all. As I wrote in his anniversary card "Thank you for making my dreams come true six years ago... and every day since then".

Happy 6th Anniversary, BooBah Bear! Here's to Many, Many More... xxooxoxo

With Steven's family (look at our ring bearer, (Cousin) Jake! So cute!

My dad and 2 brothers (unfortunately, I don't have a photo of my mom saved to my on-line pics. She looked beautiful, as always, that day).


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary!! :)