Thursday, June 4, 2009

We Did It!

Notice anything different?

We did it! After weeks of contemplating crib tent vs. "Big Boy Bed", the toddler bed made its grand debut! Yahoo! :o)

Seriously -- it has been a *nightmare* (no pun intended!) getting Adam to sleep the past week or two. He has suddenly gotten "scared" (his words) of going to sleep alone, in his crib. When put him in his crib, he would immediately start bawling and attempt to climb out (which he was able to do in 3 seconds flat). He was at our mercy... we couldn't let him "cry it out" b/c he would, well, "climb it out". After having an amazing sleeper for 15 months, he had totally regressed and was afraid of sleep. It was awful. So, after much debate (and much support from family & friends -- thank you!!!) we decided to convert Adam's crib into a toddler bed... and tonight was the big night.

It has worked out so much better than I thought. The beauty of it is that it is Adam's exact same crib, sheets, bumper, etc... just with one side missing. So once he's asleep in his corner, crawled up with his doggies, it should feel "the same".

We have been talking about the Big Boy Bed for 2 days now and as you'll see in the photos below, Adam was *very excited* about this! We did our regular routine... books, songs, stories about Patches and Louie (Daddy's childhood dogs)... and Little Love couldn't wait to go in his Big Boy Bed. Of course, once he crawled in, he was nervous. So I sat on the floor next to him and held his hand and sang him songs. Adam's exact words: "Mama Hold Hand. Airplane Song". His new favorite song is "Leaving on a Jet Plane"... one of the few songs that I know the words to (well, most of them). After about 10 minutes, he was peacefully asleep. :o)

And then I got nervous. About him falling out. Thank goodness for pillows!

I think he'll sleep the night through (I'm thinking optimistically!). However, if he wakes up, I'm really hoping he'll call for us instead of wandering around his room. Which is almost-ridiculously childproofed by the way.

So, we'll see how the night goes. The monitor is on high volume and I'm going to *try* to forget that he isn't all contained in his crib. And that he really IS becoming a Big Boy now... my sweet, precious Baby. I mean Big Boy. Sigh.

Walking in to see his New Big Boy Bed with Big Doggy (of course)


Gotta get a good jump in!

Tucking doggies and his new bear in (BTW, we decided after 2 minutes that Adam is not ready for a "blankie" yet as he kept throwing it over his head). No pillow yet either.

Yay! I love my Big Boy Bed (clap, clap)!

Sing along with me: "I'm a Big Kid Now!" :0)

And... finally... sleep.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Yeah for Adam!!!! Love all the pictures!