Monday, July 7, 2008

Little Love (in photos)

Since I've started this blog, I've taken my camera *everywhere*. I'm always striving for the perfect "blog picture" and maybe 1/20 photos makes the cut. I really can't imagine a pre-digital camera world anymore. I don't know how I would've managed before only taking 24 shots (one roll) at a time as opposed to 24 shots in five minutes. :) Anyway, here are some funny shots taken of Adam in the past month.

"Shoulder's Back, Head Up"

"I think I'll take the black ones"

"What store is THIS? Those models don't look like my mom!" (Yes, Adam really did wander into Victoria's Secret himself without any prompting from Dad!)

"Nothing like a cold drink after my morning run"

"Hmm... if I keep giving Mama this "I'm too cute" face, do you think she'll buy me this candy that I'm holding?"

"Catching some ZZZs with my 3 doggies. It's a lot of work being 15 months!"

** A few people have asked me how to leave a comment on the blog. It's really easy... right next to where the date & time is listed, it mentions how many comments are left (O Comments, 1 Comment, etc.). You just click on that comment link to leave a comment. You can leave a comment under "anonymous" if you don't have a blogger account (I didn't have one until I started the blog). Always feel free to leave a comment... just think, one day Adam might read them and see who all his fans were back in the day! :) **


Unknown said...

fI agree - how in the world did we live without digital cameras! I took more than 100 pictures the other night at the baseball game - and only a handful of them were good!

What a cutie,

Getz Gang said...


namaste said...

Good point about the digital cameras - such immediate gratification getting to see the picture immediately. And great pics as usual of the little guy. I must confess I'm quite jealous of his vocabulary. I can't wait for Danny to hit that stage!

And to answer questions you've asked in the past... I'm originally from Richmond and am in SC now. I miss Virginia so much!