Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wordless Wednesday -- Happy Hanukkah!

Celebrating Hanukkah with a 2 year old is SO much fun!

Putting the candles in the menorah...

Making sure Daddy doesn't forget to light a candle...

Saying the blessing...

"What's in here?"...

Curious Ge.orge and GELT!

Adam LOVES Hanukkah!

Some other "Hanukkah Highlights"... I bought the menorah for 1/2 price. When Adam saw it he said "pretty... that's a nice menorah!" Also, when he was saying the blessing (covering his eyes, of course), he stopped and said "OH NO! I FORGOT MY KIPPAH!" His favorite part of the holiday has been the gelt... chocolate money! =)


beth and melinda said...

happy Hanukkah

Sarah said...

I love the first picture of him...print that one and frame it!

Wendy and Karen said...

Happy Hanukkah! I hope you feel better soon. Kylie and I miss you and Adam!

Katy said...

Charlie's Feldenkrais practioner has a plastic, LED light, song-playing Menorah and he LOVES it. Way more than our Christmas tree.