Friday, November 6, 2009

Flashback Friday -- Doggies!

Adam & Doggies - July 2008 (15 months old):

Adam & Doggies - November 2009 (31 months old):

What a difference 16 months can make when you're a toddler, huh?!? =)

If you're interested, you can see more pics of Adam & Big Doggy in the original July post -- I know it's my kid and all... but LL's cuteness in these photos blows me away!!! My precious little (baby)love!!!


E. from Pot o' Gold said...

Wow, the hair is what strikes me. They get so much hair in that period!

I just did a scrapbook page of Teo's first haircut at 15 months. We thought he had a lot. Ha!

Wendy and Karen said...

He is so handsome and happy.