Sunday, September 6, 2009

New Activities for Little Love

As Adam is getting closer to 2.5 (gasp... my heart!), his attention span has definitely increased. He really enjoys playing with blocks & leg.os these days... and will spend up to 30 minutes at a time "building". He is very proud of his buildings, saying "Look what I did! It's awesome"! Adam has also been playing A LOT in his kitchen these days, preparing food. It's funny... he asked me for for food the other day and I asked him what he wanted... he said "No, PRETEND food". My bad. =) Of course, a day is not complete without Adam playing soccer with Daddy, throwing the ball with Mama, etc. He's such a boy!!! Here are a few recent pics of Little Love playing:

Adam LOVES these soft foam blocks. There are 100 blocks in the bag and he likes to use every single one to build an arch, tower, city, etc.

Legos is another new(old) favorite... he likes to build TALL towers!

Adam received this cool magnetic drawing board from Pam when we were in B'ham.... he enjoys drawing "hermit crabs", "smiley faces", etc. with it (Thanks, Pam)!

Adam has a newfound interest in books these days, which really excites Steven & I (we are both huge readers). Recent favorites have included: Goldil.ocks & The 3 Be.ars, Are you my (Dr. Seuss classic), & A's Tale (Dr. Seuss new story). Only Daddy is allowed to read Goldil.ocks and A's Tale to him now. If he sees the books during the day he literally cries for Daddy. It's very sweet and sad at the same time.

On another note, the transition to the 2-3 year old class has gone beautifully (knock on wood)... much better than anyone expected. He really seems to like Miss Lysette and the new activities. That being said, he's been talking a lot about "being sad when Mama goes to work" (I work M, W, & Fr). He cries in the morning when I tell him I have to go to work and my mom said he's been talking about it through pretend play. Also, when we were reading Are you my Mother? last night, Adam noticed the little birdie was sad. When I asked him why the bird was sad Adam answered "he's sad because his Mama had to go to work". How heartbreaking is that?!? We're working through it though and talking about emotions. Adam can very easily identify happiness, sadness and anger these days. Fortunately, he IS happy once he gets to school (or at least that is what is reported to me) which makes it a *little* bit easier. It's hard, though, because I miss my Little Love so much, too.


Katy said...

I'm trying to bring Charlie into the world of food--I'm not sure if he'll ever go for the pretend kind, but we've started a video on it and I plan to talk about it and even let me help in the kitchen--that should be a trick since I rarely do anything in there myself.

Charlie is also, just now, allowing us to read books with him--before he'd be bored in about five seconds. Now, if I move quickly, we can get through a short one.

Amanda said...

Aww, what a smart little guy. That's quite an impressive block city :)