My poor little love... he's still fighting a bad fever. It's been a really tough day... I probably wouldn't have gotten through it if my mom hadn't been with me... I've been in tears 3 times today. Let's see... (WARNING: this will probably be a very looong post filled with very minute details which is probably very boring... just a head's up...)...
LL woke up with a temp around the 102 range, if I can remember correctly. He took motrin with juice but absolutely refused to take the antibiotic. We tried EVERYTHING. Called the nurse... she told me to take him in. By the time we got to the Dr's his temp was up to 103.9 -- I about passed out when they told me that number. We gave him another dose of motrin right away and it went back down to 102.7 within 30 minutes and down to 101.5 within 3 hours. When it went down to 101.5, he was his happy little self again -- playing, talking, running, etc. It was wonderful.
Unfortunately, six hours later (when the motrin should begin to wear off -- it's SUPPOSED to last 6-8 hours, it's only lasting for about four it seems) his temp went WAY BACK UP (to about 103??). We gave him Motrin again around 6 and by 8 his temp was still 102.8. I was not happy. He was also very lethargic... just kept saying "see mama, see mama" as he was lying on me. He finally fell asleep and slept in his crib for an hour. About 9 he woke up and the fever was almost gone!!! It was only 99! He also was hungry and ate a little chicken, stuffing and his favorite, peas. All was good in the world again. He was still a little tired, of course, and fell back asleep. He woke up at 10 with a temp around 101.5. Fell back asleep. I woke him up at midnight to check his temp... 104.3!!! OMG!!! I about passed out. Called the nurse... she said the ear temps are notorious for being "too high", especially when the temperature is higher and it's probably more like a 103 temp. Fortunately, it's come down, too... it's probably around 101.5 now... don't want to wake him to find out. Will wake him up at 3 to give him tylenol and again at 6 for more Motrin.
Steven is sleeping downstairs since he was up with him for most of the night, last night. Having all this "downtime" to myself is NOT a good thing. Of course, I start thinking the worst case scenario. Like what if he has meningitis, G-d forbid??? I made the mistake of looking it up online. BIG MISTAKE since he has a high temp and a rash -- two symptoms. However, the Dr. did notice the rash -- seemed concerned for a second -- and then decided it was probably from the fever. Adam also has such sensitive skin and eczema. Other symptoms are persistent vomiting (he did throw up one time this AM but the nurse said one time doesn't count) and sensitivity to light. I called my mom a few minutes ago, panicked, and she said that if the Dr. was even remotely concerned that it was meningitis, he would have ordered tests. She also mentioned that his throat looks awful, he has a cough/sneeze, etc. So most likely it is sinusitis & a possible ear infection (Dr. W said he has the start of one, Dr. K today didn't see it... who knows???) that's causing the fever. He should be better by Sunday... oh, I'm so hoping he is (what an understatement that is).
So that's what's going on over here. If you read through this entire entry, I'm quite impressed. Steven is going to take over at 3 so hopefully I can get a little sleep then (he went to bed at 9... we'll trade off again mid-morning). Here's hoping the next entry is filled with much better news...
Sick babies is the worst!!! I've been there and back a bunch of times and it never gets easier. But it is going around and I'm positive it's not meningitis. But google is a harsh mistress! Stay away.
I hope he feels better soon. It makes me sad to hear about him being so sicky :(
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